May 21, 2008

More Art Play Fun

Whether you create or appreciate, it's all the same, the artist or the model, the reader or the writer, it all twines the braid of the muse (okay, I'll stop - two hours of American Idol finale with an 8 year old who is bummed "his" David didn't win - whaddaya want?)... anyhoo:
this which makes me happy:
and this which I love so much I cannot speak... I will come back in my next life as a rare book seller who specializes in children's books and oddities (and who sings in a caberet with a smoky voice, and who lives in an old sea captain's house, and who has smaller feet and higher cheekbones, and who can draw really well, and who doesn't flip out when she cannot find her car keys, and who can persuade the dogs the couch is off limits because it annoys the husband, and who will constantly think deep, spiritual thoughts and not get emotional when David Cook's brother points to him at the close of the show and mouths "he's my brother" and I go all loopy because he loves that his brother is happy and it's so sweet.

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