Showing posts with label Happy Birthday James. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Birthday James. Show all posts

June 2, 2013

Didn't get a pony for his birthday

but had a swell one anyway. Not that he even wanted a pony, the newly minted 14 year old. Although I might. Hard to believe my youngest is now 14. Grateful the rain held off, a good time held by all, and as thunder rolls overheads, time to turn this puppy off.

June 2, 2010

Doughnut cake madness

This is the thought that came to me in the middle of the night - I will get a cone and I will make a munchkin donut tower! Yaha! This is possibly why I do not rule the world as these are the sort of thoughts rattling around in my bean.
It took about 100 doughnut holes and two trips to Dunkin Donuts to fetch them all. Plus a trip to Michael's for the cone (if you want to make one - cover one of those styrofoam flower decorating cones with foil and stick donut munchkins on using toothpicks putting toothpick in first and then donut, packing tightly).
Was it a hit? When you can get a bunch of 11 year old boys tumbling in the door to stop, open their mouths up in silent awe and then utter all sorts of wowza, you have reached the mountain top, my friend. Who can ask for more?