or maybe M.A.S.H. after an afternoon spent on the Intrepid in NYC. Not really into going - we had free library museum passes and the husband was interested - I was pleasantly surprised. Interesting and inspiring, the ship is enormous, the exhibits fascinating - the actual planes, jet fighters, giant anchors, etc. and also the Gemini 3 capsule (replica) that the astronauts landed in (remember them bobbing in the sea waiting for the ships?) - the small size claustraphobic...the inside of the boat made me think of all those movies I have seen over time of World War two ... and down below, hot and quiet, you have to wonder what that is like during wartime, a storm.
The fourth photo is a replica of the Intrepid built out of Legos by artist Ed Diment. 22 feet long and weighing in at 550 pounds, a sight to see. Loved the fighter planes, was feeling quite macho by the end. I like the helicopters (in the movies, I always like the guys who, against all odds, cruise in on the helicopter and rescue the soldiers...my Dad was in the airforce as a radio man and he had some fascinating stories back in the day...a worthwhile visit if you are in NYC, especially with kids.
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