August 7, 2016

New Poem Out

A new poem is up today at a favorite site, Woman Around Town. The poem, Backstory, had the honor of several of its lines chosen to ride around Norwalk, Connecticut on buses, along with bits of poems from other poets of all walks. Spearheaded by Norwalk's Poet Laureate, Laurel Peterson, these traveling poetry lines celebrated our national poetry month in April and can be viewed at the Norwalk Public Library 's website. A fun idea I was happy to be a part of - and now here is the poem in full below.
The poem is based on the structure of the Where I'm From poems created by Kentucky 's Poet Laureate George Ella Lyon which is a great teaching poem and writing tool. I taught this form in a workshop in Katonah, NY at their library and the results never fail to surprise and encourage new poets. 

I hope you enjoy my version.


  1. Not only do I love your version, but it's definitely my favorite of all poems in this form that I have read. I'm going to keep it to read again.

    This line: "I am from
    Jesus Loves You, and Wait Until Your Father Gets Home" made me laugh out loud.

    The whole poem made me wish I could go back to where you are from. Thank you!!

  2. Thank you! Truly appreciate your kind words.
