July 13, 2016

Wave Hill and Art

A nice jaunt to nearby Wave Hill in the Bronx yesterday. 

View of the Hudson River
Goliath Allium I think this was called 

These look like roses, don't they?

Near their small but pleasant cafe, a large room that once entertained famous musicians and celebrities including Mark Twain. 

Water garden
Compelling paths
And an art gallery

Where we were fortunate enough to meet the artist, Joiri Minaya, as she was working on an installation of her piece entitled #dominicanwomengooglesearch, an interactive display (look her up, so interesting) 

Plus mad crazy comfortable chairs to just sit and gaze at the sky.


  1. What a wonderful place to stroll and play - I, too, would feel compelled to follow that path - and end up on that stone or tile floor - what is it made of? It looks so old and venerable, but is it really?

    When I was in Monterey, CA this month I saw that succulent that looks like roses everywhere. It grows in my area, too, but I don't have any in my garden yet.

  2. Some kind of polished slate floor, such an elegant space. Apparently Toscinini stayed there and played on their piano when it was all wealthy estates and guest houses. Ah, the rich la la la. Next time I go, I'll try to note the name of the "cactus roses".

  3. The place looks full of personality and very attractive too. I expect by now the garden will have lost that high summer look. The interior looks cool and attractive.
