July 20, 2016
A Pause
Due to complications from hitting my head, I'll be on hiatus for a spell. Breathe in summer, breathe in light. Heal.
July 13, 2016
Wave Hill and Art
A nice jaunt to nearby Wave Hill in the Bronx yesterday.
Near their small but pleasant cafe, a large room that once entertained famous musicians and celebrities including Mark Twain.
Where we were fortunate enough to meet the artist, Joiri Minaya, as she was working on an installation of her piece entitled #dominicanwomengooglesearch, an interactive display (look her up, so interesting)
July 9, 2016
My Hogwarts
A writing day at Manhattanville's Castle, old stomping grounds and a favorite place.
These quiet rooms
July 8, 2016
July 6, 2016
On a walk yesterday by a serene seaside park, snapping shots of some appealing looking trees. Afterwards a woman comes up to me, very energetic, and says she noticed me taking photos and was it of poison ivy because she takes photos of it and goes to city hall to demand they rid the area of such danger etc and would I want to join her in her safety campaign ... Horribly cheerful to boot. Masks all sorts of sins, the relentlessly cheery. Ah well, I extricated myself and found some rose hips - now they are something to be cheery about!