September 3, 2013

New short story up for your reading pleasure

Very happy to say that my short story, The Exit, has been published by Lowestoft Chronicle, a wonderful journal of stories and poetry. Click on the story title for the link. Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the tip! I printed it out because I seem unable to read something longer than a blog post on a screen. Now I have some candy to reward me at the end of my day.

  2. I really liked that really reminded me of some aspects of my own youthful ventures abroad. Now that it's been two weeks, I think I want to read it again. It's still sitting on my nightstand. :-) I don't think I've read anything else by you except your blog, but now I hope to.

  3. Thanks, Gretchen. I have some poems and stories online that can be googled (name and writer or poet). Unfortunately print literary jourmals are more difficult to access..but I am so happy you enjoyed the story! I would like to hear about your exploits! Ah, when we were all so bold...
