September 29, 2013
Sunday Quote
If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.
― Masaru Emoto, The Secret Life of Water
September 28, 2013
September 22, 2013
September 14, 2013
OPA! Neighborhood Greek Festival
a sure sign of age...cannot eat beloved candy apples or all the dental work will be for naught!
I love the trashy beauty of arcades and summer festivals...always waiting for a Ray Bradbury novel to just kick in at some point. My son and his crew running around, the growing din and neon lights, the dancing Greek girls in the music tent, all fabulous.
Good use of a popcorn container - make a hat! The food was heaven - we had gyros loaded with garlicky yogurt sauce and baklava. Walked the long blocks home discussing our brief failed careers as school paper reporters...very funny (we each did a review not well received. Mine was a very earnest review of a horror movie that my timid 9th grade self should not have seen. I wrote it was terrifying. Apparently only my review was!) Ah, husband. After a million years, I still have stories to hear and stories to share... Nice being married to you. And home just in time to catch The Birdcage on tv, a favorite movie - Nathan Lane and Gene Hackman wonderfulness. Opa!
September 9, 2013
29th wedding anniversary on Sunday
The sliver of a moon hung in a cobalt sky while families and couples filled the high ceiling with happy noise. We had a lovely time at a newish Italian restaurant we had wanted to try. We brought our youngest who is just starting high school to celebrate with us. Love is to be shared, like bruschetta and everybody gets a taste of everybody's kind of meals. Cheers to us.
September 3, 2013
New short story up for your reading pleasure
Very happy to say that my short story, The Exit, has been published by Lowestoft Chronicle, a wonderful journal of stories and poetry. Click on the story title for the link. Enjoy!
It was thrilling to follow Diana Nyad on the last leg of her journey today - what a shining example she is!