October 7, 2012

Sunday Quote

And it felt like a winter machine that you go through and then you catch your breath and winter starts again and everyone else is spring bound - Dar Williams, After All


  1. Tried to post all the lyrics to this favorite song but Blogger would not allow me to do it and insert breaks...anyone else having a bucket of trouble with Blogger lately? It has reverted to the old format after I just figured out the new one, it messes up my posts, etc. Alarming.
    Anyway, click on the link to the song, it really is lovely.

  2. I didn't think they had gone back. I've been working with the new way to post, and kinda like it because I can put pics where I want them. You know what I do, when I want to put something on the blog from the internet, like the lyrics you mentioned? I copy and paste them into my email. Make it plain text. Change it how I want it to look on the blog. And the copy and paste it into my post I'm creating. Gosh, hope that helps.
    I went and read her lyrics. Very sad. But hopeful later.

  3. Thanks,Nan. Just back from a week in Maine with no internet(sad how much I missed it!). Thanks for the tips.

  4. Not sad. I think the connections we are making on the internet are quite, quite wonderful. I would never have known you, or any other bloggers, in my real life. I am enriched every time I read a blog I love. Every time. That's gotta be a good thing, yeah? (I love how the Brits on tv say that)
