October 28, 2012

So come the storms of winter and then the birds in spring again, I do not fear the time, For who knows how my love grows? And who knows where the time goes? - Sandy Denny, Who Knows Where the Time Goes?


  1. Blogger will no longer let me lay out the words how I choose but puts them all together...somewhere a few weeks ago the format changed and I cannot really make it work anymore. Very frustrating. Anyone else having problems with Blogger?

  2. Oh, how I love that song. Have I talked to you about a book called Electric Eden? I haven't read it yet, but I think it is going to be wonderful.


    Want to email me with more info about what's wrong?

  3. Hi Nan,
    Have perused that book at the library, really interesting. I am not sure how to even describe the situation...I will write out a piece, separate it by spaces, indents, whatever, and it posts all in a blob. Also when I used to post photos, they came up as the image, now it comes up as html and makes posting more than one photo confusing if I want to refer to it...not sure why blogger changed...the posting format is different than it was just weeks ago.

  4. So lovely to hear this again. Thanks.
