September 8, 2012

Why this is my anniversary photo...

On my 28th wedding anniversary, I post this photo because it sums up why my lovely man is so dear to me...Understand the man seriously hates heights.  Understand I am not a klutz but I am not particularly graceful and I was walking across this old, no longer used, train trestle in Vermont that had wobbly boards and some interesting footing issues because I wanted to get a picture of the rust on the metal girders because I have a thing for rust especially when it is next to weathered wood, another thing I am quite mad about.  So I am in full turtle mode getting up to this and from a distance it might look like I am stuck.  Or semi-stuck.  Or just a fool on a bridge.  But I get really close and I suddenly hear a familiar voice saying - here, take my hand.  It is the husband who had not realized this is just another Susan and her camera aiming for old rusty junk moment and he has come to rescue me despite the fact that he is the one who loathes heights.  I thought that was so romantic :)
So Happy Anniversary, 28 years to my guy who I have been with for 31 years all told.  Here - take my hand.


  1. "Here, take my hand" -- Isn't that what marriage is all about?

  2. Oh! So touching! This had me chuckle and tear up almost simultaneously. Happy Anniversary to you and your man!

  3. Suz - how well expressed indeed...congratulations and best wishes for the rest of the journey. Love to all, Joan

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