August 5, 2012

Sunday Quote

...And we pray, not for new
earth or heaven, but to be quiet
in heart, and in eye clear.
What we need is here.

- Wendell Berry 


  1. You find such wonderful quotations,thank you for this one and all the rest.

  2. Lilias Folan expresses much the same sentiment in her yoga classes. I think I even used it as a qdj once. I'll go look...

    On my dvd she says, the past is gone, the future is yet to come. Be here now.

  3. Ram Dass, I think. I remember skimming through his book which is probably not the best way to read books of depth (which would explain a lot about my scattered approach to spirituality).

  4. Isn't Wendell Berry wonderful? "What we need is here." So simple and obvious, the way he puts it. Thank you.

  5. I think the best poetry takes what we already know or feel and hands it back to us wrapped in grace.
