January 19, 2012
Paula Deen etc.
Amazing how some people just are gleeful that this woman has diabetes now. I have no really strong feelings about her cooking, her tv persona, her health revelations, her new gig touting diabetes drugs. At least the news shows are talking about something else than the Kardashians. It wasn't until I was in Scotland with my sister watching real news on the BBC, news about the entire world, and then returned home to see endless Lindsay Lohan segments leading the news on all the major channels and barely a mention of any world events, did I realize how entirely vacuous we are as a nation newswise. And worse than that - how terribly unkind. They just are sharpening the knives on this one. It smacks a bit of the Martha Stewart thing - where people could not wait to bring her down (including women who should have been up in arms as feminists that a powerful woman was being hung out to dry where a man would have gotten off with a slap). So what if one of them pushed home tips and one pushes biscuits and gravy. Lots of people like home tips. Lots of people lke gravy with their biscuits. There is no gun to your head forcing you to watch or listen to either of them.
The Paula Deen thing has the added bonus for the wagging tongues that she is from the South and the newsmakers in NY and CA all consider the South as something less than. At any rate, I would like to see something else villified - cruelty, slander, hurtfulness, unkind acts. Oh, that we could all work up a lather about someone being deliberately mean and hurtful. Or about the fact that we live in a vaccuum here and no one seems to care about the world beyond the Linday Lohans and the Paula Deens....color me cranky, we are all sick in this house and I am dismayed at what passes for television and news concerns during the daytime viewing hours. Oh, yes, and - be well, Ms. Dean.
I can't comment because I don't know the woman but I get equally frustrated by the obsession with celebrity over and above reporting proper news here in the UK.
ReplyDeleteReally as bad as over? Sorry to hear that. I am so weary of all the so-called celebrities...
ReplyDeleteMeant as bad as over here. Impossible, this I pad one finger typing.
ReplyDeleteAmen, sister, Amen! On all counts. One reason I don't watch the news, or network TV either. I figure if it's a big enough story, I'll hear about it sooner or later.