November 10, 2011

Autumn Farm trek

We love our traditions - one of them is to trek up to Easton to Silverman's Farm and get really good apples and wander around their animal farm area and so on...brought the oldest who first went there 20 years ago, it has changed a bit (and so have we).
Still great apples, pie, cider, and who can resist sweet sheep faces? My oldest and I took many photos (she loved the emus) and I was charmed to note she still remembers the secret words of the sheep. Can't tell you or the sheep will get mad.


  1. I love, I love the third picture. Such a sweet face. I wonder why they let horns grow so long as in the first photo. You'd think they would be so heavy. Lovely that you went back to a place of childhood memories for your girl. I'm amazed at the secret words, though I think sheep are full of them.

  2. Thank you - that sheep has such a soulful face, but I have always found sheep to be very sympathetic animals - maybe I was a sheepherder in a former life :)

  3. Yes I have to say I love the sheep pic too, soulful indeed as Susan says.
