November 15, 2011

Autumn colors

We kept asking where autumn was - the trees were holding onto leaves that were still mostly green, a few plants bloomed in their confusion over the warm weather, then a smack of heavy wet snow breaking branches and downing wires, and still no fall feeling - and suddenly - BOOM - autumn. The trees have been magnificently vivid as I drive to work, from the first tell tale change of one tree out my window to a splendid red gold blaze of trees I pass each morning en route to my job. Welcome autumn at last - even though you are still too warm for November and all these weathery shenanigans have left me with a whompingly awful cold.


  1. It certainly has been an odd month. Warm, sunny, and we even missed most of the snow. But everyone around here is saying, hey we'll take it!

  2. Yes we are all rejoicing this autumn. I love the fourth picture......

  3. Sweater weather at Thanksgiving? We shall see.
    Cait - I was driving to work and stopped the car when I saw the sun shining through those trees - glorious!
