November 8, 2010

Sunday fine and lively with poets and writers

Where do you meet? Coming in on a train, at the clock. Cold but that doesn't stop a passing (and good-natured) New Yorker from showing off her stuff. Some Earl Gray (loose in a pot, of course)at the hotel that Harry Potter would stay in as an adult. Onto the point of the trek, or one of them, a wonderful poetry reading at the very atmospheric and appealing
Bowery Poetry Club and Cafe to hear Heather Hartley on her American tour reading from her recently released and quite brilliant collection, Knock, Knock. Also reading and new to me, Craig Morgan Teicher, reading from Cradle Book, a magical and mysterious collection of modern fables (could not get over one called Raised By Wolves). On the way to Indian food with a dear friend after, refound a store I stumbled across a year back and loved, Timbuktu, beautiful things. Drinks and cookie mad fabulousness at W, lost in the aisles at the Strand where I found a lovely secondhand book called Aid to Rhyme with lists of words that are perfect (by Bessie Redfield). Walkabout with great company at night in NYC, loved the sound and scents, noise and jazz of it all...train home with a purse full of books...that sort of fine.

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