September 21, 2010

Can you be homesick...

for a place you only were in for a week? Have you ever taken to a place so quickly that it seems strange that you are not living there? I think of all the daily goings-on and how it all went on before and now after and that it will probably be a couple of years until I get back...maybe it's growing up Scottish-American, it was just natural to have it feel so right, so at home.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness - I am 'homesick' all the time for the UK. I make an annual trek there to visit friends. I feel as though I've come home when I arrive. There's something so familiar, so comforting to me. So I would say yes you definitely can be homesick for a place you've only visited briefly...or a place that's not a traditional 'home'.
