July 14, 2010

fancy cowboy and cowgal duds


  1. Wow so many cowboy boots in one place!

    I love the title of your blog. It made me smile. I live in Scotland and on days the rain just pours. I would love it if the sun poured like honey. Sweet.

    I l ove your photographs. Many museum type places these days are quite precious about letting people take photographs. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I like the dress. Makes my toes want to tap and then go dancing.

  3. Scotland, huh? What's the weather like in Edinburgh in early August?

  4. I was Googling for something else when I found the photo on your blog of a Roy Rogers shirt that I painted some time back. I'm a western artist. Mine was from a photo of him wearing it. Either your photo is the same shirt or they made more than one. I named it "A Tad Overdressed For The Roundup.":

  5. I was Googling for something else when I found the photo on your blog of a Roy Rogers shirt that I painted some time back. I'm a western artist. Mine was from a photo of him wearing it. Either your photo is the same shirt or they made more than one. I named it "A Tad Overdressed For The Roundup.":

  6. Apparentlly my original post vanished after I signed in and hopefully you won't get two from me. I used a photo of Roy Rogers for a painting I did called "A Tad Overdressed For The Roundup." I just saw the same shirt here and wondered if it was his.

  7. Sure looks like the same shirt! Nice. It was a great exhibit.
