December 9, 2009

It all looks so very cold...

A winter walk last week. Even the photos look chilly. The morning storm blew our neighbor's lovely front yard fir tree down today - all the lights and holiday decorations lit up (a timer, I imagine) by themselves later on, strange looking on a broken tree. I thought it was so sad that they would drive home from work and see all the damage without anyone letting them know, but they are down the road neighbors and I don't even know their names.


  1. I just love the pictures. I'm sorry about the neighbor's tree, and it's also sad that we don't know our neighbors' names anymore. I could still go up and down my childhood street and say who lived in each house and all their children's names. But now, I hardly ever see my neighbors. We are there for each other if needed, but we don't hang out at all, and there are some I've never met even though there are very few on this road.

  2. A few summers ago I was exhausted and dehydrated, and my daughter, fearing heart attack, called an ambulance. All the neighbors came running over, so many I didn't even really know including this one woman (I now wave to her regularly) who kept telling the ambulance crew "She's a nice lady, take care of her". While horribly embarassing to be in an ambulance much less suffering from "exhaustion" like some Hollywood actress, it was very moving to see my neighbors so caring.
