October 6, 2009

Teaser Tuesday

I'll play! Nan directed me to this blog for a book teaser meme (not quite sure what a meme is but I'm game)...

"I don't know," said Oscar, "I wrote the one about the king and queen awhile ago, not long after I found The Book of Story Beginnings in the attic. I wrote another one about orphans for Lavonne. She was always wishing she was an orphan. I wrote the story about the boy in the boat on that night, of course. The night it all began."

"What is it?" said Lucy, terrified because she thought that at last she did know."

page 99. The Book of Story Beginnings by Kristin Kladstrup. (My ten year old son and I are taking turns reading a chapter every night).


  1. Welcome to Teaser Tuesday!! This is such a fun meme, I hope you enjoy it. A meme is a weekly event that is hosted at one blog, and where people all post their answers and visit the other posters links. :)

    Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for visiting! A fun meme -now that I know what a meme is :)

  4. Susan, I'm so glad you posted a teaser. It is a fun way to introduce a book, and to connect with other readers. Your teaser sounds delightful. I'm going to check into the book. And oh, how I miss those reading times with my kids.

  5. Oh, and here is a dictionary description of meme:

    meme |mēm|
    noun Biology
    an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.
