May 8, 2009

Do it anyway

Lost ones, lost dreams, lost things, lost hopes, lost footing, lost reasons, lost big and little, the missed train, the missed boat, the hold the elevator please call ignored, the rent heart, the stubbed toe, the thing you can't forget, the thing you try to forget, the thing you try to forgive, the back to the drawing table, the why the hell should I, the keep on truckin', the mystery , the other side of the tapestry, the holding on, the just do it anyway.


  1. Wow, did you write that Susan? It is fantastic. And I love how you linked to blogs which connected with the words or phrases. Now I have to go to all of them and read what they said. :<) This is really, really brilliant and I love it. Thank you. I put up a quote du jour from keep on truckin' once - the one about the light shinin' on me.

    and then this one that kinda goes with your writing:

  2. Love the quote from their song, The Wheel. The link from Kiko's blog unfortunately wasn't able to bring up the article about Garcia anymore. And yes, wrote it, glad you liked it :) Feeling a series of losses as I went into Spring and had to try to push my way out of the paper bag.

  3. I'm so sorry about the losses, Susan.

    What a good visual and literary metaphor - the paper bag- in your use of getting out of it, and also, I'm reminded of people using paper bags to breathe into when they are stressed and can't take a deep breath.

    Ah, the depth of a poet's words - always more than is immediately seen!
