August 29, 2008

Car poetry

For Poetry Friday - a Mary Oliver poem read by a woman in a car who posted it on YouTube.
I love how it starts out - a bit wonky, this, you think, a woman in a car waiting for her husband to finish a doctor's appointment. And then she starts to read this most marvelous poem of Mary Oliver's, and you get so pulled into it, and it isn't wonky after all, just you and this woman in a car and this bridge of words between her speaking the poem and you listening, and the little space in mind it creates afterward.


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Susan. I liked the poem so much I found it online to print out. I think I'll pull it out on Tuesday morning after I drop off my son who's starting 2nd grade and my 4 year old daughter who's starting school for the first time. I'm sure to find solace in the poem, if I can read it through my tears!

  2. I'm glad you liked it, Alison. Mary Oliver is one of my favorite poets.
    Good first day of school for all, especially the first-timer! I am sure you will be weepy in the car after you drop her off (these days are tougher on the moms, I think!)
