May 27, 2008

one little, two little, three little groundhogs...

What? Another photo of the baby groundhog? Or is it? We started to notice the baby groundhog was all over the place until we figured out...five baby groundhogs! This does not bode well for our neighbor's garden (ours is toast as previously stated). The husband and I were saying people probably "do away" with these things...but I mean, c'mon! How cute is this? Besides mama groundhog is scary and I don't want to get on her bad side. I have to say we are a bit overwhelmed by all of these critters...what to do, if anything?

1 comment:

  1. My friend solved her groundhog problem by placing ammonia-soaked rags around the garden, although doing this was unattractive and a pain. We had trouble with them last summer and tried scaring them with a plethora of pinwheels. This appeared to work, although we read the babies leave the nest around July 4th anyway. They were cute little buggers, but they sure caused grief!
