Amazing how it just happens, Spring, just like that. One minute gray, the next - whump! You've got forsythia and magnolias blooming all over the place. The magnolia tree is my neighbors, always love that it nods onto our driveway; one of my favorite trees. Tonight we watched the movie my youngest gave me for my birthday, Enchanted, which was delightful - but now I cannot get the "Happy Little Working Song" tune out of my head - especially since my daughter had one of her pet rats dancing to the music. Why all these pets cannot do household chores is beyond me, the least they could do is a wee bit of scrubbing here and there in exchange for snackies, yes? Maybe we need to keep singing to them.
I've come across your blog, quite by good fortune...glorious spring indeed..beautiful photo to verify...I lived in the north growing up and it did seem as though spring came ...just like that!