October 31, 2014
October 29, 2014
October 27, 2014
A Squeak Past Midnight Sunday Quote
Put yourself into life and never lose your openness, your childish enthusiasm throughout the journey that is life, and things will come your way.
- Federico Fellini
October 16, 2014
A new poem out for your reading pleasure :)
I am liking using these photos from Cape Cod (our August vacation) to illustrate writing work that is out. I meant to have a lot of great posts from Cape Cod but have been falling behind blog posts, getting photos out of cameras, and quite a lot besides that. Not the most organized time for me, summer. Hopefully the more interior life of winter will allow me to get my assorted houses (literary, emotional, spiritual, and actual very messy one) in order.
Meanwhile, a good thing - a new poem out on the great new site I only recently discovered, Woman Around Town. My poem, The Botanical Gardens Gift Shop, is available to read here. I hope you enjoy it and - as ever - thoughts on any work is always appreciated.
A story just out - Loose Ends - for a fun, quick read.
Very pleased to have a short story out. The short story is called Loose Ends and is available to read online here at Imitation Fruit. They have previously published a story of mine called The Lawn Chair. The Lawn Chair was a story written for my Dad even though obviously a work of fiction. It seemed a bit unfair as my mother was the one who always wanted me to write something about her. Loose Ends is the sort of story she would have enjoyed, light and fun with a good streak of humor. Both of these stories veer some distance away from the usual fare of my fiction and it pleased me to be able to write something different than my usual dark and murky tales to honor first my Dad and now my Mom. And yes, it is fiction and no, no one including my Mom was actually these people, but it was inspired by a line she said about bucket lists the day before she died. As ever, would love to hear any thoughts.
October 14, 2014
October 12, 2014
October 7, 2014
Gorgeous walk in Noank, Connecticut
It's ridiculously pretty up there. We were strolling through Haley Farm State Park, a favorite spot when we are up that way.