December 30, 2012
Sunday Quote
For last year's words belong to last year's language
and next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
- T.S. Eliot
December 25, 2012
A Manhattan Merry Merry to All!
why no Sunday Quote? Well, clearly I was lazing about in this store window in Manhattan!
Wait! This is more my speed. Ah, perfect window.
I know this fellow. Last time I saw him he was having some dental issues. Glad to see they have been resolved - and he got a book deal to boot!
Even Atlas feels less weary during NYC holiday cheery!
Fifth Avenue all decked out
And a man proposed to his girlfriend right here and she said yes! We liked the big smooch but my 13 year old was slightly appalled at the PDA!
This sort of display was far more to his liking!
As well as visiting our furry, finny, feathery friends at the Central Park Zoo.
And the best of all was spending the day with my dear friend, Caren, and my youngest - who says there isn't any holiday magic left?
Merry Christmas, everyone!
December 19, 2012
Christmas light-hearted
So we are at the tile store checking out tiles for the hall bath when we realize on the other street is this really decked out house.
What is really cool is a lot of the stuff, really most of it, is old fashioned, like from the fifties, and it makes the whole yard have this fun vibe.
We thought how much fun it would be to bring the kids over to see it - especially at night - so we did!
It was even better than we had anticipated.
It really has been hard to get into the Christmas spirit with the world astir with hard sadnesses and worries, but something fun and whimsical can offer some light hearted pleasure and I appreciate all their effort.
December 16, 2012
Sunday Quote
Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn.
- Robert Burns (and my mother's oft quoted line when considering the unimaginable cruelties humans extend to each other at dark times....). My family and I hold the good people of Newtown, Ct in our thoughts and prayers. Truly we need peace on earth and goodwill towards men.
December 12, 2012
December 9, 2012
December 4, 2012
Maine trek, rewind to Edward Gorey
The serendipity moment on a rainy Portland afternoon was discovering the Public Library was having an Edward Gorey exhibit (swoon).
Asked the powers that be milling about and they said, sure, you can photograph the exhibit, it's a public space. Unleashed!
his notebooks knock me out. Nice little bio here for the uninitiated. The rest of us are at cult status.
Love the wee books. They had a gift shop so thoughtfully alongside of the exhibit. I set about replacing some of my old books and adding new finds (some dark period I ditched my earlier small collection)...
Lovely work. His illustrations for the wonderful John Bellairs mysteries were always favorites as well.
Stir in perfection - some fantastic clam chowder (chowdah!) at this great place a short drive across town.